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I couldn't agree with you more, but there is no way to keep him off the ballot. Colorado and Maine tried due to his role on January 6th, but SCOTUS ruled in his flavor. I guess the founding fathers thought the American people would never elect a criminal as president. I think the problem these days is that the American people are too stupid and/or they lost all sense of morality.

I keep thinking about Senator Gary Hart of Indiana who while running for president in 1987 had to withdraw from the race due to a photograph that surfaced of a sexy woman who was not his wife sitting on his lap. Now the country wants to re-elect a man who had sex with a porn star while his pregnant wife waited at home. This country is almost as morally corrupt as Trump.

My advice is to make phone calls and send text messages for Biden/Harris. Make a contribution (whatever you can spare) to the Biden/Harris campaign or the Democratic Party. And contact your local Democratic Party and get involved. I know I am not going down without a fight! God bless America!

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Does #Kamala want the promotion to Supreme Court justice, or not?

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Jul 6Liked by Samantha Smith


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